Cybersecurity Awareness, Events and Training

Cybersecurity Awareness


In celebration of October Cybersecurity Awareness Month, the NYS Chief Information Security Office has provided a number of educational resources available to the public. Resources include cyber security themed posters, calendars, bookmarks, guides, brochures and other content that can be downloaded and branded to help promote and reinforce cyber safety in practical, informative, entertaining and usable ways.







Cybersecurity Events

NYS Annual Cybersecurity Conference

26th Cybersecurity Conference: June 4-5, 2024

25th Cybersecurity Conference: June 6-7, 2023



2023-2024 Kids Safe Online NYS Poster Contest

CyberStart America: A free national program for high school students to master cybersecurity as a gateway to the industry, up their digital skills, and compete for college scholarships! 

U.S. Cyber Challenge: U.S. Cyber Challenge (USCC) is a program of the Council on Cybersecurity with the mission to significantly reduce the shortage in the cyber workforce by serving as the premier program to identify, attract, recruit and place the next generation of cybersecurity professionals. USCC works with the cybersecurity community to bring accessible, compelling programs that motivate students and professionals to pursue education, development, and career opportunities in cybersecurity.

Cyber Aces Competition

Cyber Quests Competition

CyberPatriot Competition for Grades 9-12

The CyberPatriot National Youth Cyber Education Program was created by the Air Force Association to inspire high school students toward careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.  At the core of the CyberPatriot program is the National Youth Cyber Defense Competition, which challenges teams of students to resolve real-life cybersecurity situations in a virtual environment.


Data Privacy Week

Data Privacy Week is an international event that occurs every January. The purpose of Data Privacy Week is to raise awareness and promote privacy education to state and local government, academia, businesses, and citizens.

Visit the resource links below for more information:

NYS Data Privacy Week Events and Video

Department of State's Division of Consumer Protection

Cybersecurity Training

Materials and Videos


Additional Training Opportunities

The National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies (NICCS) leverages efforts of government, industry, and academia to provide a comprehensive, single resource to address the nation's cybersecurity knowledge needs. This implementation tool supports the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE), a nationally coordinated effort that focuses on cybersecurity awareness, education, workforce structure, and training/professional development.

Please Note: The NYS Chief Information Security Office (CISO) is not responsible for the quality, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose of products or services available on external sites and listed or described on our menu; nor is the NYS CISO Cybersecurity Events/Training site responsible for the accuracy, reliability or currency of the information contained on the website and supplied by external sources.