Executive Order 117



E X E C U T I V E O R D E R N o. 1 1 7




WHEREAS, technology and the Internet are increasingly prevalent in our world today, and will continue to grow in significance in the 21st Century;

WHEREAS, New York State launched the Government Without Walls e-commerce/e-government initiative in June 2000 to break down barriers for citizens and businesses operating in New York State;

WHEREAS, New York State continues to seek effective and innovative ways to improve government operations and services so as to benefit the citizens of the Empire State; and

WHEREAS, the coordination of the development and the deployment of technology in government at all levels is essential, and the creation of the position of Chief Information Officer will best accomplish these goals.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE E. PATAKI, Governor of the State of New York, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and Laws of the State of New York, do hereby establish the position of Chief Information Officer of the State of New York, whose responsibilities shall include:

  1. Overseeing and supervising the management and operations of the Office for Technology;
  2. Overseeing, directing and coordinating the establishment of information technology policies, protocols and standards for State government, including hardware, software, security and business re-engineering;
  3. Overseeing and coordinating the development, acquisition, deployment and management of information technology resources for State government;
  4. Developing strategies to improve the State workforce's ability to employ needed information technologies, and overseeing and coordinating the implementation of such strategies;
  5. Coordinating and facilitating information sharing between and among State government, local governments, other states, the federal government and institutions of higher learning to promote the use and deployment of information technology that will improve the delivery of government services; and
  6. Working with State government, local governments, the federal government, institutions of higher learning and private enterprises to further the State Technology Strategic Plan.

For purposes of this Order, the term “State government” shall include all state agencies, departments, offices, divisions, boards, bureaus, commissions and other entities over which the Governor has executive power and the State University of New York, City University of New York and all public benefit corporations the heads of which are appointed by the Governor; provided, however, that the powers and duties of the Chief Information Officer shall extend to business and administrative functions of such universities common to State government.


G I V E N under my hand and the

Privy Seal of the State

in the City of Albany

this twenty-eighth day of

January in the year two

thousand two.


BY THE GOVERNOR /s/ George E. Pataki

/s/ Bradford J. Race, Jr.

Secretary to the Governor