Relevant Information
All technology procurements are subject to state procurement laws and must comply with NYS technology policies and standards. If your company is interested in selling IT goods or services in the NYS public sector marketplace or in contracting with NYS government entities, these links provide useful information before you get started:
- Notice of ITS Authorized Signatories
- NYS Department of State, Division of Corporations, State Records & UCC
- NYS Procurement Guidelines
- NYS Commission on Ethics
- NYS Prevailing Wage Rate Requirements (Department of Labor)
- NYS Procurement Lobbying Law
- NYS Sales Tax Requirements & Certification Form
- NYS Workers' Compensation and Disability Insurance
- NY Executive Order 192 Vendor Integrity Requirements in State Contracts
Additional 48 CFR 52.232-39 Language
All New York State contracts, even those not expressly negotiated or for which consideration other than money is given, are subject to and deemed to include the version of New York State's Appendix A - Standard Clauses for New York State Contracts, current with the date of the contract's formation.
Neither ITS nor any other New York State government entity shall be deemed to have agreed to any clause by virtue of it appearing in an End User License Agreement, Terms of Service, or similar legal instrument or agreement. Any such agreement invoked through an "I agree" click box or other comparable mechanism (e.g., "click-wrap" or "browse-wrap" agreements) does not bind to the clauses therein ITS or any other New York State government entity.